Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In Just a Few Days...

...Christmas will be here! I'm so excited. My aunt and uncle are coming to join us for the holidays, and we're going to drive up to my Grandparent's on Christmas afternoon. On Christmas Eve I get to open one present (that's our tradition). I'm so excited!

I don't want very much stuff (and what I do want very much is way too expensive; an i-Pod Touch), and I used to want more...but I don't want it anymore. I wanted the Himalayan Cat Webkinz, but I looked at some customer reviews and figured out that it is a lot worse than I thought (like, WAY worse)...here's one photo of it: Himalayan Cat Webkinz (sadly, that's not one of a kind).

So, I don't want that anymore. I still want a Whimsey Dragon Webkinz, candy, clothes, and surprises - and that's about it.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of my readers!