Saturday, October 27, 2007

2 Weeks and 2 Days...

Just two weeks and two days till my most special Birthday. . .

Thursday, October 25, 2007


So, yesterday we had our first dancing lesson at school. It was freakin' awesome, and very fun. My class warmed up with the chicken dance (which was weird and stupid) then reviewed square dance steps. I say "reviewed" because last year at the 4th grade rendezvous we learned them.
As I said before, it was seriously fun. I did have to dance with boys most of the time, but some of them weren't bad.
My favorite move is dosey doh (doe-see-doe) because it just feels cool. People always turn around when they want to go back, but it's kind of cool to do that, I don't really know why.

The boys I danced with were: Jake W., Hans, Jack (he was really good), Sam S., Klaliff (first l is silent), met up with Jake A. but then we moved on without dancing, of the ladies teaching us, uh...Ben, and I can't think of anyone else.
Even though it was kind of embarrassing, it was great. I can't wait till next Wednesday!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Life Right Now

Well, life in Utah is great so far. Fourth grade was awesome and I had the best teacher on Earth. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but her name is Mrs. Jenson. I see her quite often, but still I can't help but miss her. She is soooooo nice. And she taught me soooooo much.

My current teacher, Mrs. Lambert, is nice, but not as fantastic as Mrs. Jenson. The thing I love about Mrs. Jenson is that she gave us soooooo many fun projects. Sure, it was pretty hard keeping up with it all, but it was so much more fun than fifth grade.
But, so far, fifth grade is good. I've got two A's in our math chapters, and 100% on every spelling test. And I do pretty well in my spelling packets too. So school is good.
At home, we pretty much do ordinary things:
  • chores on Saturday and sometimes during the week
  • computer games on Saturday and sometimes during the week
  • sometimes watch Nature or/and NOVA (great science shows)
  • do little projects (take me, for instance: I am drawing this big picture called "Foxglove Forest" and I also do other things just for fun)
  • sleep
  • eat
  • drink
  • hang out (with friends, family, ourselves)
  • blah, blah, blah........
Life is good. And the little things we do for others are sometimes the things that count the most, and I'm trying to do those things. Trying to help others. Trying, trying - to be kinder to my brother, though that is really hard.
Utah has taught me a lot, and I'm thankful I moved here though I do miss all my friend in VT. I loved it there. The thing is, it's hard to choose which I like better. I guess my favorite state is Vertah or Utont. Don't care which word. They are equal to me........

How is life going for those of you who read my blog? Hope it's good. I know about some, because of this beautiful site called blogger. But for those I don't know much...comment? ♥

Monday, October 08, 2007


Being a missionary has always been a scary idea to me, something I would never want to do. I thought that because my mom told me she had pig intestines once at someones house. I never ever wanted to eat that, and anyway the idea just seemed scary. Not seeing my mom or dad for ages, stuck in a foreign country where I probably won't know anyone. . .ugh! Not appealing. But, recently, I changed my mind.

I don't know exactly when or why, but I did change my mind. I decided that it would be fun to learn a different language, see different people, try new foods (but not something absolutely nasty!), and maybe meet some new friends. Or, if I was called to serve in America, I could make new friends (or, depending on where I am, see older friends), as usual give the message of the gospel to many people, and so much more. I see now that it would be a wonderful thing to help Heavenly Father spread his love and light across the Earth, and I can help. In fact, I've already started!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Good Dream

Once, just once, I had a really good dream. It was seriously fantastic. Because I was flying. You don't dream that your actually flying very often, do you? Well, in this dream I felt it. I felt wonderful. It was almost like a fairytale, because first something bad happened, I forgot what, but then it's a happy ending. It had a happy ending, better than any in Cinderella or Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.
I was taking my turn, because my cousins Serena and Monica were there too. It was weird, 'cause I think I saw Winter, but they saw Spring and Summer or something. I forget. It was a while ago I had it.

I wish at some point we could all have wonderful dreams like that, where we can feel we're flying or something. It's fabulous, a once in a lifetime experience.