Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Earth Ship

A while ago at school, my class got a project that we had to make. I just had to use my imagination to create an earth ship. The point of an earth ship is a machine that can go through the middle of the earth. It also had to be able to sustain life forms if it wasn't a controlled robot. I made mine so that it had to be able to sustain me, because I was the commander.

The main cabin was made out of a cut soda bottle, and the part that it was attached to was part of an old ceiling fan from my parents room. The head of the ship (the annihilator) was the top of an old solar light from the garden in our back yard. The Mega Power Energy Blaster (the back of the ship) was a diffuser for a hair dryer. On top of that was part of an old shower head and on the sides of that were the old solar panels from the garden lights. Inside the cabin were a lot of wires and nuts and bolts. I used batteries for air tanks and a metal bracket for the seat. We printed a photo of me in a space suit to put in the captains chair.

I was glad when I found that everyone liked it, and I got an A+ on the assignment.

Here are some pictures of it, and below is a list of all the parts I added to it:

"The Annihilator" at the front of the ship. Read description to see how it works.

The Mega Power Energy Blaster

The Silver Diamond Earth Ship

Commander: Lieutenant Bonnie Wright

Ship Power:
• Mega Power Energy Blaster (MPEB): Propels the Silver Diamond through the earth.
• Controlled Quark Separation Device (CQS Device): More commonly called “The Annihilator”, it completely destroys everything in its path by sending out 2 supersonic quantum beams. Where the beams cross, a force field grows where quarks split up and can’t hold together. The force field spreads out in a controlled area, and everything in its path is annihilated. Once the Silver Diamond passes through, the field dies down and the quarks begin to reassemble.

Earth Ship Robotic System:
• Mega Heat Reverser: Converts the heat surrounding the ship for use by the Mega Power Energy Blaster.
• Impenetrable Transparent Encasement Shield: Protects interior ship components.
• Radiant Heat Storage Panels: Stores up energy from the earth.
• Anti-Gravity Propulsion Thrusters: Manage the gravitational pull around the Silver Diamond.
• Silver Diamond Stabilizer Rings: Reduce unstable ground movements.
• Depth Sensor: Guages proximity to the Earth’s core.

Control Panel Components:
• Energy Booster Switch: Boosts the MPEB of the Silver Diamond .
• Air Control Dial: Controls the internal cabin pressure and temperature.
• Controlled Quark Separation Device Lever (CQS Device Lever): Controls the power of the supersonic beams, which determines the size of the hole the Annihilator creates in the earth.
• Auto Pilot: Keeps the Silver Diamond on the programmed route.

Life support system:
• Personal Air Conditioner: Keeps Commander cool.
• Nutrient Dispenser: Provides nutrients to the Commander.
• Oxygen Conversion System: Provides Oxygen (O2 ) to the Commander.
• Supplementary Air Tanks with Life Wires: Supplies backup oxygen to Commander’s jump suit.
• Emergency Medical System: Treats motion sickness, monitors for dehydration, blood pressure, heart rate and heat stress.
• Waste Exchange System: Converts waste into usable energy.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This past summer we went to Hawaii. We flew to Honolulu and stayed at my Aunt Kimber and Uncle Ramond and cousin Anavai's house. We got lots of shave ices which are kind of like snow cones but really soft ice and super yummy flavors. Matsumoto's was a great place to get shave ice.

We also went to the Polynesian Cultural Center which is a place where you can learn about all the Polynesian islands and the people who live on them. Some of the islands were Samoa, Tahiti, Hawaii, Tonga, New Zealand, Figi and Marquesas. They had a boat parade and lots of shows and classes to make native crafts. Best of all, we got to see our friends Molly and Sam there, as well as Paige and her family...they are some good friends of ours from Vermont.

We also got to go to the Big Island called Hawaii. It was a really cool island because one part looked exactly like Mars, and another just a mile away was a rain forrest. We went through a lava tube that was made in the rain forest a long time ago. We also went to the very bottom part of Hawaii, which is also the bottom of America. We went to the southern-most restaurant in America, too. Then we went to some cliffs near the water and found lots of cool rocks and shells, and watched the huge waves crashing above some of the cliffs.

After that we went to Volcano National Park. We couldn't see any lava even when we went down the path for a while, but then when we drove back up it was dark and we could see sparks of lava!

Another fun thing we did was drive up to Mauna Kea Observatory Visitor's Center. There mommy and daddy bought me a shirt with some pictures of all the telescopes on it. Then we went down and stayed in a hotel with a huge pond filled with Koi fish. Below is a picture of them.

We hiked to see some ancient petraglyphs which are also pictured below.
Back on Oahu, we went camping at a big ward campout for a week on the beach. My friend Arinui was there and a lot of other kids. At one point somehow this big, huge, toad hopped into the camp and we caught him in a pot. Then we showed a lot of people it before we let it go. There is a picture of it below too.

We hiked up Diamond Head Crater to the tippy top lookout place. We saw Honolulu on one side, and a great, blue ocean on the other. From there we could see Maui and Molokai'i. It was a really beautiful view.

Twice we went to Waimea Bay. There are some really good coral reefs there. There are also lots of caves you can crawl into, and a giant rock where lots of people are lined up to jump off. There was really warm water and you could get quite close to the fish. I saw a giant sea turtle there--that was awesome!

Over all, it was a really wonderful trip! I really loved it.

Koi Fishat our hotel in Hilo

The super giant Toad in our camp!

Here is one of the petraglyphs we saw. No one knows what they mean, but they are ancient.

The southern-most beach in Hawaii--and the USA! People use white rocks to write things on the black lava. We made a "W".

A lava field in Volcano National Park. You can see the lava steam rising as the hot lava hits the ocean in the distance.

Just a few minutes away from the lava fields is an amazing rain forrest! This is where I went through the lava tubes too.


One of the things we did while we where in Hawaii was going to Turtle Beach. There, this big turtle kept getting washed up on the beach. At one point he washed up for a particularly long time. We took lots of pictures of him, and I named him Crush. Crush was having his dinner of seaweed on the rocks. You can see in this picture.

The Coral Reefs

I think the coolest thing we did in Hawaii was going to Hanauma Bay. The water was sort of cold but it was probably the coolest place I have ever seen. I saw a gazillion diffrent fish including these: Rainbow parrotfish, Morish idols, Yellow tangs, Boxfish, Jacks, File fish, Cornet fish, Trumpet fish, Butterfly fish, Rainbow wrass, Humuhumunukunuku apua'a, Giant sea turtles, and an enormous Eel. It was slithering around at the bottom of the bay about 7 ft. below us. It was so cool. We also saw big brain corals. I hope I can go there again someday!