Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas 2007 ♥ ♥ ♥

This Christmas was AWESOME!!! I got a ton of presents and gave a few too. Here's what I gave and got:


Clara: a box of lip gloss

Amanda: a box of lip gloss

Mommy & Daddy: a little picture frame and some papers I wrote at school about a "Christmas Memory," "What I'm giving for Christmas,"and "My Wish List"

Aunt Bonnie: Brandon and I make a picture every month (taking turns) and send it to her for the "picture of the month"

And I think that's all. I'm not sure.

I don't think I'll write everything I got, 'cause that would take forever. That's why this post has taken so long - I was planning to write everything I got. But really, that stuff isn't important. Merry Late Christmas!

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