Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

I honestly hadn't realized how much I loved Gorden B. Hinckley until yesterday night. But his death came as a huge shock to me and many other people last night. My friend called just to tell me how she felt when she heard the news. The radio was all over it. Many school mates were mentioning it too.

I know he must be happy now he is with his wife again, I know President Monson will be good too, and I should realize that Heavenly Father meant for it to be like this. But I'll miss President Hinckley a lot.
I'm sure you've had a great judgement day, and your with a lot of friends and family up there! I hope we can all remember what great messages you shared with us during your time on Earth. We'll miss you!


Blue said...
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MichelleW said...

I like to think about how his teachings made me more optimistic, a better wife, a better mother and a more caring friend. I hope that I can live such an honorable life, like he did.

We will miss him!

MichelleW said...

I like to think about how his teachings made me a better mother, a more loving wife and a more optimistic person. I hope I can live a noble life like he did...he sure did endure to the end with strength and hope!

Anonymous said...

It is easy to love a man who did so much for so many. He travelled the world reaching out to people and leading with his positive example. He was a great man.

I remember someone close to him giving a speech here once and he told us Pres Hinckley liked to tell jokes then laugh at his own jokes. He was a fun man.

It is bittersweet that he has moved on but I think everyone is ultimately just so happy for him to be rejoined with his sweet wife and the millions waiting to greet him there. He was a loving man.

I want to thank you, dear BE, for always leaving me sweet comments on my blog. I love knowing that you've been by to visit. Now you know that I stopped by to visit you too. Love you!!! Aloha!

Anonymous said...

i loved reading your thoughts little dolly! you honor him and his life and your memories of him by the way you try to live every day. i'm proud of you!
♥, mommablue