Saturday, March 29, 2008


I've been home sick with the fever (or flu, not sure which) for the past couple days. We had yesterday (Friday) off but I missed Wednesday and Thursday. In that time I read fourteen hours and fourty-five minutes. I suggest everyone sick at home read or do something of that sort in all that spare time. It's quite useful.

It's not so bad being sick really, I just hate missing out on school stuff. Last year, even if I was slightly sick, I went to school every single day, and I was never tardy, except the last day of school. I had gastroenteridis (I've got NO CLUE how you spell it), also known as stomach flue. I was tardy then, but I still went to school. It was a mellow day.

To all of you sick people out there: GET WELL SOON! You're missing out on life.


Shani Bobani said...

I am soooooooo... sorry you were sick!!!!!!!!!!!

SerenaFina said...

I don't like being sick. I don't think anyone does. (Unless it's one of those people who like to skip school)