Friday, December 12, 2008

Another Wish List

I forgot to put some things down on my last wish list, even though I received some of them. Here it is again, with a little added on:

Boots (Light brown, Dark brown, or Black)

Playmobil Crystal Cage

Whimsy Dragon Webkinz

New Jeans that fit me; the only ones that fit right now have a hole in the knee

I feel greedy saying this, but I know it's not that much. And of course, I'm grateful for anything.

P.S. If I don't send you a thank-you card, don't take it personally! I'm just really bad about doing that kind of thing; I intend to, but I never get around to it.

1 comment:

MichelleW said...

Thank you notes are something that I work on too. With my kids, I have found that if they aren't allowed to use the item until they write the card, then they are better at remembering to do it.

Hope you have a great Christmas!