Monday, February 02, 2009

25 Things About Me

I tag Serena and Monica to do this on their blogs! ♥

1. I make wishes on digital clocks every time I see a math problem. For example - 6:42; I see
6-4=2. I don't know why I do it. So if you see me looking around at every clock in the room, you know why.
2. I collect pencils and notebooks and erasers, and I always use ugly pencils or pencils that have been sharpened on notebooks that have different drawings already in them and I erase with erasers I don't like. So for pencils I collect: pretty, shiny, sparkly, fuzzy, and mechanical pencils. I use the rest. Notebooks - I'll take any kind. Erasers - any will do.
3. I love writing stories and I'm working on a few right now - but mainly one for a school project.
4. I have a serious case of arachnophobia.
5. I love fairies, though I don't believe in them.
6. I've been to over half the United States as well as Bermuda, Canada, and Puerto Rico
7. Though I've been many places, I've only lived in 3 states: Illinois, Vermont, and Utah.
8. I'm horrible at writing thank-you notes...I plan to, but then I never get around to it.
9. I'm also terrible at writing in my journal on a regular basis.
10. I really do love school...I just get overwhelmed sometimes with all the work I have to do.
11. I'm addicted to email.
12. I only like bananas with Nutella on them. HEAVEN
13. I'm a perfectionist and I'm always straightening out my school desk.
14. I'm the fastest typist in my class. I learned how to type from Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing a few years ago (it's a CD that I have)
15. I'm a lot more focused on the future rather than the past. That's why I hate studying history in school. I like the scriptures though, and our Middle Ages unit is actually pretty interesting.
16. I have never had one best friend...I just can't choose from so many good ones.
17. I don't ever want to become really famous...I'd be a hobo rather than having any single flaw I have or any embarrassing mistake I made put in hundreds of magazines sold across the country.
18. I can't choose favorite things besides my favorite food (SALMON) and color (cerulean blue - though I LOVE most shades of green too).
19. I inherited a habit from my mom of either swinging my leg back and forth slowly (when it's crossed) or moving my foot up and down furiously (though it doesn't make any noise - it's not tapping). I also play with my fingers a lot - I like making all the fingers on my right hand except my thumb make a galloping sound like a horse by tapping them somewhere in quick succession. I don't know why I do it.
20. I hate wasting things - sometimes I'll put on lotion even if my skin isn't dry just so I can use it (if it's a lotion I don't like very much) and not have to throw it away.
21. I wear a lot of layers most of the time - I've even worn snow pants in the summer before.
22. My mom says I'm very diplomatic, though I don't always notice it.
23. A woman I really admire - who gave us dancing classes in fourth grade and teaches singing in school now - told my mom that I am always very kind to everyone, not just the popular people. I've tried hard to live up to that since then. And I have to say I've succeeded.
24. I love skiing and snowboarding though I tire of the snow that is not in the mountains...I prefer it to be spring, summer, or autumn where I live.
25. And last but not least: I'm proud to be LDS, and though I haven't read the Book of Mormon all the way through yet I'm working on it. I've been striving especially hard to obey the commandments and live the Gospel since I joined Young Women, and I've been working on my Personal Progress which has helped me a lot. I thank all those who have helped me grow in understanding of the Gospel and been beside me all this time.


SerenaFina said...

Sweet! I got tagged! How do you get that flower thing on the top of the thing by the address...

Bonnie said...

It's kind of hard to explain...basically my mom and I had to make the picture and then upload it on this website that makes it tiny so it can put it up there. Ask your dad to help you do one; I'm sure he'll know how.