Monday, October 08, 2007


Being a missionary has always been a scary idea to me, something I would never want to do. I thought that because my mom told me she had pig intestines once at someones house. I never ever wanted to eat that, and anyway the idea just seemed scary. Not seeing my mom or dad for ages, stuck in a foreign country where I probably won't know anyone. . .ugh! Not appealing. But, recently, I changed my mind.

I don't know exactly when or why, but I did change my mind. I decided that it would be fun to learn a different language, see different people, try new foods (but not something absolutely nasty!), and maybe meet some new friends. Or, if I was called to serve in America, I could make new friends (or, depending on where I am, see older friends), as usual give the message of the gospel to many people, and so much more. I see now that it would be a wonderful thing to help Heavenly Father spread his love and light across the Earth, and I can help. In fact, I've already started!


Blue said...
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Bonnie said...

It kind of happened gradually over time, but when it happened, it happened. A bit hard to explain. Love ya!
-Bonnie ♥

SerenaFina said...

I want to be a missionary when all my kids are grown up and happy living with their husbands/wives in their houses with their children.


Anonymous said...

Hi Doll,
this was a beautifully honest post, and shows just one of the ways that you are growing up so fast! I remember having that same kind of feeling when I was about your age. Do you know why you had this change of heart about missionary work? Did it happen fast like in a single moment, or gradually over time? Was it in response to something you heard or read, or just personal life experience? It's a nice record of something significant in your life, and I'm glad you wrote about it.

Love you tons!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥