Sunday, November 09, 2008


A few days ago I got my bottom braces! They hurt for a little while, and it's still hard to eat, but they are getting better now.
Last time I went to the orthodontist, I wanted to pick two colors because I thought that that would look cool. I picked dark blue and silver, thinking they would look good together. They didn't, and I was disappointed. But I changed them back to light blue when I went just a couple days ago. I think I'll stick to that since I'm never disappointed with this color.

My biggest problem with my teeth is flossing. I HATE doing it, especially with braces. It takes FOREVER. My orthodontist has tried so hard to convince me to floss every day, but it seems like I just can't do it. But that's not the only problem.
He also wants me to not have any sugar because it makes white spots on my teeth if I have too much. I don't want white spots, but I DO want sugar. He gave me until my birthday to have a normal amount of sugar but after that I'm not supposed to have any except on special occasions. There better be a lot of those.

Any ideas on how to make myself floss every night, or how to make it go faster? I just can't think of a goal besides a sticker chart to make me floss. I just need to make it a habit. But I can't think how.

I want and don't want braces right now.


Anonymous said...

flossing with braces is SOOOOOOO hard. I feel for you!

SerenaFina said...

I don't want to get braces. On you, they look cute, but I'm not so sure I'll like them.