Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Golden Day

So, Sunday was my birthday. My golden birthday. THE most special B-day I will probably ever have.
Saturday was the party. We went to Fat Cats Bowling Alley. We means me, my mom, my dad, my Aunt Bonnie, her friend Bunker, and eleven other friends. Here are their names:
  • Charlotte
  • Amanda
  • Amanda's sister, Sarah
  • The other Sarah
  • Brooke
  • Elise
  • Katie
  • Annie
  • Rachel
  • Kathrine
  • Shannon
I hope they all had fun...

Anyway, it was great. Oh, and here are the presents they gave me:
  • Charlotte - a fairy set of Barbie's Fairytopia fairies: Laverna, Elina, and Azura.
  • Amanda - a box of stuff, including: bubble bath (of which I used almost half in one bath), lace (a whole roll thingymabobber), a pack of golden and silver pine cones and icicles, and some bead things.
  • Amanda's sister, Sarah - a little bracelet thing that you can put fuzzy kitties on (they are really cute!).
  • The other Sarah (they are both Sarah L.'s, so I can't say who exactly they are. [Internet safety, I don't want to put my friends in danger]) - a craft kit called twirled paper, really cool! I looked at it a bunch afterwards.
  • Brooke - the book "Fairyopolis", a very good journal book (whatever you call it). Amazing pictures and stuff.
  • Elise - an ADORABLE colorful poke dotted bag, so cute...oh, and there was this garden stone making kit inside it, can't wait to start decoratin'...
  • Katie - a GIANT BOX WITH 40 FLAVORS OF JELLY BELLIES INSIDE, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???!!!???!!! Oh, and also a pack of freakin' awesome magnetic stones (always wanted them...).
  • Annie - a craft I really would like to do with her, I don't know exactly what it is, but I should find out soon.
  • Rachel - an adorable fuzzy bear I named Truffle.
  • Kathrine (a.k.a. Kit Kat, as I like to call her) - a webkinz, which I have wanted since I heard about them (about three weeks ago). It's a white "lil'l kinz bunny, and she's so cute! I named her Pearl. Also, Kit Kat gave me a Christmas Count Down, but I have to wait till December to start eating the chocolates. Once a day, as usual...
  • Shannon (last but not least) - a bunch of little things, including: a headband, earings, a stuffed penguin, and a box o' butterfingers. Yum!
I got presents from other people too (boy, I still don't understand why I'm not a spoiled brat, I get so much...[maybe I am!])
  • Alicia (our good friend Alicia...see back on "Vacation in CA" for more about her) - 11 dollars (man, she is so kind) for my 11th birthday (and my golden one as well), and a little stuffed bunny from McDonald's, but it's still cute, and a box of Lint Chocolates. Yum again!
  • Aunt Kirsten - she took me shopping at the fashion place mall and got me a bunch of cute clothes. It was a while ago, but it was a great birthday gift!
  • Aunt Bonnie - she gave me a gift as well as fly out to spend my birthday with me! I guess it's because it is my GOLDEN birthday...anyway, her gift was a real gold charm bracelet. If you look closely at the chain you'd see that there are hearts on it about half a centimeter away from each other. And there are also 2 charms on it, one that says Love and the other a heart. She got it for my Golden Dad especially.
  • Grandma & Grandpa B. - a blue lunch box, a pack of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans (which I won't eat), a state quarter (of which we already had, but oh well), and a lovely skirt. The skirt has a zebra pattern on one part of it, butterflies on another, and red on the rest. It's a very pretty skirt.
  • Grandma & Grandpa Wright - 35 buckeroonies (love gettin' those; they are so useful in life)
  • My cousins Serena, Monica, David, Sophie, Aunt Sunny and Uncle Nate - an adorable "fairy catching kit" that includes: glitter, an ADORABLE little cage, a sweet, puny net, a sweet, puny magnifying glass, and an information book. I haven't read it, but I will sometime...
Well, I think that's all. I'll update if I get anything else sometime (which I probably won't). Overall, it was a great Birthday!
P.S. Sorry, this post took quite a while to make!


Blue said...
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SerenaFina said...

Bran is funny! Kleenix would make a good present, though...

Bonnie said...

Yup, it sure does!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to be grateful, huh! You forgot that Bran was at your party and that he gave you Kleenix!!! ♥