Friday, May 25, 2007


Bunnies are cute. The wild ones, the tame ones, ones that are pets- all bunnies are cute, even if they are ferocious.
Bunnies like vegetables, at least the ones I know of. And bunnies come in different colors. They are usually white, black, brown or grey. And they sometimes have spots or something on their fur. At least, that is what I 've heard and seen of bunnies.
So it might not be true that all bunnies are white, black, brown, or grey. And it might not be true that all bunnies like vegetables. But I know one thing. All bunnies are cute.

1 comment:

SerenaFina said...

My friend used to have bunnies that were both girls. One was the mom of the little baby. The mom had five babies, they sold four babies and the daddy. They were heavy! They just recently sold the two they didn't sell before. Is this making scene?