Thursday, November 08, 2007

My 2007 Christmas Wish List

Okay, there kind of is a lot, but I'll name some. Here goes:
  • Anything to do with fairies (but must be modest if it's a picture, statue, etc.)
  • I like crafts, but be warned: I have six drawers full of 'em, and don't have room for much else!
  • Something special, like always
  • Playmobil things, including: the rock temple (expensive, but beautiful! Want it...), crystal cage (would be very useful in games - believe me!), um...let me see...well, there are many I would like but those are the main ones...
  • A webkin cat; don't ask me about them, I don't have any so I don't know anything, but my friends have told me they are really cute and I'm dying to get one
  • Another special thing that I'd like; I ♥ surprises!
  • Cute clothes; man, I need more of those!
  • Cozy things, like blankets, super soft hats, pillows, etc.
  • Anything you guys think I would like! ♥


MichelleW said...

My girls have Webkins. They aren't too terribly expensive and are so much fun!

Blue said...
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Bonnie said...

Animals...really cute I've heard...and it would be fun to get one...

SerenaFina said...

You want a cat webkinz? I want a horse webkinz, those are cute!